
See the latest vacancies and read the FAQs

Thank you for your interest. Please check our latest office vacancies.

Any recruitment process goes through our website and an online form. Please read the information concerning MSF’s activities and recruitment process before applying.

You may also be interested in jobs in other MSF offices around the world.


Frequently asked questions

Please note that these relate specifically to roles in MSF UAE's office in Dubai.

Unfortunately we do not accept speculative applications. Please apply for specific roles that match your skills and experience.

You do not have to be based in the UAE to apply for a role. However, it is assumed that you have the right to work in the UAE (unless it is specified otherwise), and can cover any potential relocation costs.

We don’t ask applicants to complete a formal English test, however a good level of verbal and written English is required.

You may apply for more than one role, but each role must have its own cover letter that details how you meet the role’s specifications. Each role has different tasks and responsibilities.

We are an equal opportunities employer and will ensure that every reasonable adjustment is made to enable candidates to attend interviews.

If you have any special requirements for your interview please make them known at the time you are offered an interview so we can accommodate you as much as possible.

Rest assured that every application is carefully reviewed and considered, but unfortunately we are not able to provide feedback as standard to unsuccessful applications unless you reach the interview stage.

Yes, and we encourage you to apply if you believe you have the right skills and experience required for the role.

Some roles require occasional or regular travel to the field or other MSF offices; the opportunity to travel depends on the role and its responsibilities.

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