Sexual and gender-based violence, a medical emergency

Sexual violence in India

Join us on Thursday, November 25 at 7:00 PM IST (5:30 pm Dubai time, in a conversation with Science Journalist Bothina Osama and Dr Himanshu M, Deputy Medical Coordinator of MSF OCA India mission in a presentation & explainer session about sexual and gender-based violence and why is it a medical emergency.

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Bothina Osama, the regional coordinator of SciDev.Net MENA for the Middle East & North Africa, and the managing editor of the Arabic edition. Bothina is a founding member of the Arab Science Journalists Association, a trainer and a mentor for science journalism skills, and a speaker in many science and development related conferences.
Bothina is a co-author of Practical Guide for the Arab Science Journalists book. She was the organiser of several prizes for science journalists in the Arab region.
Recently, Bothina works as the co-founder of “Science Journalism Forum”, the first virtual global meeting for all contributors in the science media sector.
Dr Himanshu M, a physician and global health professional by training, is currently the Deputy Medical Coordinator of MSF OCA India mission. Dr Himanshu has a medical career spanning 10 years including experience in academia, epidemiology, operational and clinical research. Lately, he has been involved in designing and evaluating health programs that include communitization of health care and person-centred care. Women and child health, sexual and gender-based violence, epidemiology, quantitative research methods, bio-medical statistics are other topical areas of interest.